Nocturnes théâtrales

A fun stroll to meet the characters who made the history of Nolay, guided by the jaquemarts, Jacquot and Jacquotte, who come down from their bell tower for one evening. Over the centuries, they’ve seen some things…
Show of around 1.5 hours followed by a friendly moment over a drink.
You can attend about ten theatrical sketches performed by about fifty volunteers.
Entrance fee: €7 by reservation, payment online or by phone, as well as on site.
Actors, volunteer actresses and the public, let’s give preference to good humour, a good laugh, good stage fright as is customary in this wonderful team of Nocturnes and return to the essential “LIVE”. The theatre is a living spectacle, so let’s give it its rightful place…
Here are the 2025 dates of the Nocturnes Théâtrales:
Friday 18 July at 9pm
Friday 25 July at 9pm
Friday 8 August at 9 pm
Wednesday 13 August at 9 pm
Friday 20 August at 9pm

Pictures of the Nocturnes Théâtrales

Scène de la veuve
Des acteurs inspirés

Scène des cuisinières sous les Halles
Une belle soirée avec des visiteurs nombreux

Scène de Lilou et de Gabriel
Des acteurs jeunes et prometteurs

Scène de la Fontaine
Des acteurs bénévoles passionnés

Jacquot, et Jacquotte, où est elle ?
Jacquot et Jacquotte nous emmènent à travers l'histoire de Nolay

Les tanneries
Saynète aux tanneries
Pictures of the Nocturnes Théâtrales 2024
The team of the Nocturnes Théâtrales
Come and applaud their work and talent in 2025!