De Cep en Verre Rally

Agence de Tourisme de Nolay

Nolay Tourist Office

Mairie , 21340 Nolay

A 7 km walk around Nolay

In addition to the programme of the De Cep en Verre festival, on Sunday from 9:00am till  2:00pm, a 7 km pedestrian rally, suitable for the whole family. A walk that takes you into the countryside between the woodlands and vineyards, with 6 tasting stages to winemakers close to nature. They explain their working methods to consume responsibly. Afterwards, you can enjoy a meal in a wine estate next to Nolay (21340).

Equipped with a questionnaire, participants on this rally answer the riddles out in the vineyards and are rewarded at the awards ceremony at the end of the course on the square of Nolay’s Church.

A friendly atmosphere in proximity  to the winemakers, in a bucolic countryside with beautiful landscapes!

See you on Sunday the  3th  of  August 2025 at 9:00am in front of the Town Hall.

Walking shoes or trainers, water, a  hat and sunscreen are needed.

Agence de Tourisme de Nolay Agence de Tourisme de Nolay Agence de Tourisme de Nolay Agence de Tourisme de Nolay Agence de Tourisme de Nolay Agence de Tourisme de Nolay